Anchor Program: Transitional Housing

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Anchor Program: Transitional Housing

Founded by parents of children with autism, Autism Breakthrough of Knoxville, a 501c3 non-profit organization, is changing the way autism services are provided in Tennessee. To find out more about us and our mission click below.

About Us

Autism Breakthrough of Knoxville is proud to offer a variety of services that enable adults with autism to lead purposeful lives. Find out more about what services we provide and how to participate by clicking below.


The Autism Breakthrough Foundation was created in 2024 to support Breakthrough Corporation and their endeavors in providing services to adults with autism. To learn more about Autism Breakthrough Foundation, click below.


Want to know what we are up to at Autism Breakthrough of Knoxville and all around the community? You can keep up with us right here on our website. Check out our newsletters, blog posts, and more by clicking below.


Now Offering MAPs!

MAPs is a program that will set people with intellectual and developmental disabilities on a path to learn skills to help them work, live independently, learn about their neighborhoods, and find hobbies that interest them. MAPs service give people in the program the tools, technology, and support they need to meet the goal they set for themselves.

This program is available to anyone with an I/DD diagnosis who has graduated high school or will graduate within three years. MAPs participants cannot be enrolled in another long term services and supports program including  ECF CHOICES, CHOICES, the Katie Beckett Program, or 1915(c) Waivers.

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