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What are Social Skills Groups?

A social skills group is a structured and supportive environment where individuals gather to develop and improve their social skills. Groups are designed to help participants enhance their ability to interact effectively with others in a safe & therapeutic environment.

*No diagnosis is required to join. This program is open to anyone interested in developing their social skills!

How do I pay for sessions?

Social Skills Groups is a private pay program. Sessions are $56.25 each and are typically sold as an 8-block for $450. Program assistance may be available to qualifying families

Who facilitates sessions?

Sessions are facilitated by our licensed speech-language pathologist.

Who is a good fit for social skills groups?

Individuals who are looking for interventions on social interactions with peers. 

For more information, you can contact Autism Breakthrough of Knoxville at 865-247-0065 or find our Autism & Community Outreach Center at:

1700 Liberty Street 

Knoxville, TN 37921


Autism Breakthrough

1700 Liberty St. Knoxville, TN

& within the community


1-1.5 Hours


8-session block- $450 (25% discount)

4-session block- $270 (10% discount)

Individual session- $75

Group Size

3-5 Individuals